
By fmlTGOD - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because I have a "drinking problem". She says I don't drink enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 306
You deserved it 5 773

Top comments

CinderellaC 4

you should consult my therapist, Dr. Jack Daniel


My gf did that too but at least she ended it with "well now at least you have experience in a relationship". The last time I was with her, she was vomiting blood. Way to go Catholics! Strong followers

Sounds like you need to work out who wears the beer goggles in your relationship.

dtemple1110 6

My Dad NEVER drinks alcohol, and my mom is a social drinker with lots of friends. Her dumping you because you don't drink enough is ridiculous.

That was probably her way of her saying "Your boring."

grnfairy 5

Well then u should be glad, she did u a favor u don't need someone like that

ikickgingers 15

I enjoyed the dr puns more then your fml. Btw yes the captain is in. Seriously though your girl is a bag of douches you will get over it soon and she will be hooking that ass for beer money. So fhl.

ikickgingers 15

I enjoyed the dr puns more then your fml. Btw yes the captain is in. Seriously though your girl is a bag of douches you will get over it soon and she will be hooking that ass for beer money. So fhl.

oops_im_fucked 8

Why have you forsaken me? -vodka