
By Anonymous - 17/07/2009 00:14 - United States

Today, at work, as a camp counselor, I was discussing how stupid the idea of Santa is to a coworker, and how every parent should tell their kids the truthLies. The intercom microphone was on. I single-handedly told a group of 100 six year-olds that Santa isn't real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 767
You deserved it 72 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NEVER dispute santa's reality at a kid's camp!


Teaching kids about Santa is good. Because they inevitably find out that their blind belief in something is moronic. If they remember this lesson when they're a bit older, they avoid getting caught up in religious nonsense.

ok the Santa thing Is not so bad it's having ur conversation on an intercom that sucks

helpmeiamblind 0

Good job, you single-handedly taught those kids that everyone is a liar and to trust no one. This is one of the most important lessons anyone will ever learn. @ #138 your a dumbass

Protegas 0

You're really sad, you know that? Kids under the age of 13 don't even get to act like kids anymore. Look around you, their all growing up too fast. It's really friggin sad when a kid isn't even aloud to believe in a fairy tale. Yeah, I'll admit, it's babyish and all, but just stop and think. Most kids don't have time to just be a kid. They're too worried about growing up, and having all the latest technology, that they just don't worry about having fun anymore. It's really sad. Sure, I'm into all of that too, and I like being online and having a phone, and all of that, but when I was younger I was more happy with being outside and having fun. I'm really tired of watching kids give up their one time to have fun, and be a kid, so they can grow up fast. Stop being a jerkface, and let other people believe what they want. It's not a lie, it's part of growing up. Weather kids believe it or not, all depends on how big their imagination is. Plus, if parents stopped the whole thing about Santa, what would be the point of like.. any of the christmas celebrations anymore?

i totally agree! thank you!!!! santa is sooo fun and good. its not a lie!!!! he may be "fake" but the jolly santa spirit is what makes christmas feel so special! that sounds cliche but ut's sooooo true!

HunterAlpha1 8

umm... how about... Christ?

Chocolate_Chunk 2

You're stupid. Kids can be kids without being lied to. That lie doesn't make them to go outside. Also, you need to realize that your memories are skewed. You weren't as happy as you think you were. That's exactly where that whole nostalgy thing comes from. Humans tent to idealize the past times, the farther back, the better. Stop being an asshole that lies to kids

princesskitten 0

How is this an FML, didn't you get what you wanted? Thanks to you, all those kids now know that Santa is a lie and their dreams can be crushed. I would think you'd be happy.

U r so full of win lol wish I could do that

skiz_fml 0

This is fake, everyone knows Santa is real

dirtylittlewolf 0

there is no reason to ruin a kid's childhood, let them believe as long as they can before they begin Christmases by drinking.

Its ok, I coach young kids at swimming. Believe me, they have memories like goldfish.

mikester3127 0

Good they should know the truth! I always hated Santa! It's Jesus' birthday not Santa gives gifts day!

pepsi0luv 0

Christmas was originally a pagan holiday way before christ was born. The Christians took their holiday away from the pagans. Yule tide (the pagan holiday) is the reason we have yule logs, the delicious cake that many people enjoy during christmas. I have nothing against christians or anyone religious. I am atheist and I celebrate christmas. Christmas is more than just the religious aspect. Its about families gathering together and celebrating life. Santa Clause is a figure that just helps fill children with wonder and delight.