Letting off steam

By Username - 31/03/2011 07:20 - United States

Today, while on vacation, I realized my parents and grandparents had been running off and doing quite a few errands lately. After doing some sleuthing, I discovered they were taking turns having blood-curdling sex in our other hotel room down the hall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 684
You deserved it 11 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well they are on vacation so let them have their fun crabby!


you must think you're the next "Jesus" because you seem to have it in your head your parents don't have sex. truth hurts, doesn't it :P

Agree on so many levels. You realize to get on this planet in the first place, your grand parents had sex, as well as your parents?

perdix 29

If you come from two generations of family that enjoys wild sex, how did you turn out to be such a repressed, tight-ass prude?

if you're anything like your family at least you know you'll be capable of blood-curdling sex well into old age?

Maybe OP is just upset that he/she is the only one not getting any while on vacation???

Tuddle 0

Were you surprised to find out they still have sex?? It feels just as good at 80 as it did at 17!