
By GnatEater - 07/09/2018 15:00

Today, I made a horrific discovery; the months-long gnat epidemic in my spotlessly clean home has been emanating from my coffee pot. They've been procreating inside it all this time. I use it every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 845
You deserved it 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AzrielB 8

Today, while I was taking care of my children, boiling water fell from the sky and killed almost my entire family, we will have to repopulate again. FML

That's gnat good. You'll have to fly, or flea, from them.


AzrielB 8

Today, while I was taking care of my children, boiling water fell from the sky and killed almost my entire family, we will have to repopulate again. FML

How did this go unnoticed for months?

You must have a K-cup type coffee maker they are notoriously have mold and other infestations 🙄😨😵🤢

Ewww. Where i havent ever seen any but now i must check!

The best part of waking up is gnat sex in your cup!

bobsanction 18

You use it every day but don't clean it every day? That's disgusting and you should feel bad about yourself.

Who doesn't love a little extra protein in their morning coffee?

Assuming the coffee pot is "in" your house, calling your house "spotlessly clean" is a bit of a stretch, wouldn't you say?