It's gettin' hott in here

By Anonymous - 27/03/2022 14:00

Today, I finally had an weird sex dream after a long time. I was the center of attention of a group of guys, but on closer look, they were all clones of my husband. Multiple copies of my husband. Guess I'm monogamous for life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 716
You deserved it 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're unhappy, then talk to him. If you're still unhappy, get a divorce, and join the swinger community.


kitten79TX 5

Not for everyone. There are many ethical non-monogomous people in the world. While my husband and I are monogamous, we have several friends who are not. These friends are married to their primary partners and have additional relationships on the side, with the full knowledge and consent of everyone involved. We have one friend who's in a committed, closed triad and lives with both of her partners.

If you're unhappy, then talk to him. If you're still unhappy, get a divorce, and join the swinger community.

So? If I could have a three, four or fivesome with clones of my wife, I'd be in heaven. Or am I the weird one because I love my spouse?

kitten79TX 5

It's not about how much one spouse loves another. Some people are just wired to be poly. We have several friends who practice ethical non-monogomy. The problem isn't that she doesn't want to be monogamous, it's that she never communicated that to her husband prior to getting serious, and still never did it prior to getting married.