It's all about that D

By MK. - 21/04/2021 02:00

Today, at the age of 22, I found out that Wednesday has another D in it. Literally no one ever corrected me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 384
You deserved it 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don’t take this the wrong way but I’m a little surprised you knew about the two “e”.

ojoRojo 27

Did you really never notice when you looked at calendars?


Don’t take this the wrong way but I’m a little surprised you knew about the two “e”.

Nhayaa2.0 17

Yep, thx to the pronunciation. Sounds like "wensday". But, kinda YDI because you're supposed to learn how to spell the days of the week in 1st grade.

ojoRojo 27

Did you really never notice when you looked at calendars?

If English isn't your first language I can understand somewhat, but if it is your native tongue, I gotta know how the hell you constantly made the same mistake for 20 years. Forget people not correcting you, it's basically impossible not to see it written down somewhere like a book, in schoolwork, a diary, and as ojoRojo mentioned, a calendar.