It's a gas gas gas

By Dani - 28/11/2011 12:34 - Reserved

Today, my boyfriend and I were visiting a historical war bunker when I accidentally let rip a small fart. My boyfriend responded with a horribly loud, horrendous fart, and loudly announced, "This is war." There were people, lots of people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 374
You deserved it 9 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stepanek911 1

atleast you weren't in an historical gas chamber.


When he farts in public, you know he's a keeper. :)

Carrotkidd15 5

Then fart back. Then he does it and screams "THIS IS SPARTA!" :)

Carrotkidd15 5

Then fart back. Then he does it and screams "THIS IS SPARTA!" :)

slushpup9696 12

Of course, the fat man and that vile woman left me here to visit a war zone and left me here with Herbert again? She's plotting an attack, I knew it! She plans to gas us all! Not if I can help it. Let's see how she likes mustard gas! Victory will be mine!

Quiet you! I will ... Ugh, now I've gone and soiled myself... Change me, then meet your doom!

Badab1ng 5

I promise you... If you queefed, you would instant win. That's some one shot kill action right there.

fangbanger_kitty 10

Lol I don't know of anyone that queefs on command. Haha! ?

EvilCupcake8361 9

he's immature....but also, awesome and hilarious! congrats

Invisarape 2

There's a difference between being mature and being a little childish and wanting to have fun :P If they had been in a really serious setting it would have been immature, but they were just at a historical mark looking around, no harm done

Capt_Oblivious 10

Time to put on the gas masks and prepare for battle, this could get toxic, and ugly.

perdix 29

Drop trou and take a big, steaming dump right on the floor. Go nuclear or go home!

skyeyez9 24

I remember visiting mammoth cave years ago. The guide turned off all the light.and.asked us all to be silent to show how utterly soundless and black it was in there. A few seconds later, someone ripped a loud, smelly fart. Followed by giggles, gagging and feet shuffling to move away from the smell.

I would have loved to be on that tour with you. xD

skyeyez9 24

It was funny! The tour guide was trying to be somber and told a story about a person who got lost in the cave right before he asked everybody to be quiet, as he turned off all the lights. He was trying to get us to imagine being down there stuck in complete silence and darkness......then someone farted. Loudly. Followed by giggling and mayhem.

Yeah yeah yeah. My guess is you saw that recent illustrated FML ( and made your little story up based off it.

Hey, i remember reading that FML, there's even an accompanying comic now