Instant cure

By Username - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff

Today, I had been sick all day, so to cheer me up my dad drove me to get ice cream. On our way back, we hit a puppy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 572
You deserved it 4 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this is a fml for the dog not you. poor puppy :(

What a CAT-astrophe! Wait, wrong pun...


Jsalcedo23 0

13- why do you say ydi to op for being sick? like op meant to get sick right??

skyeyez9 24

I almost hit a dog on the highway. I slammed the brakes and stopped about 2 ft from the dog. It took a few steps into the next lane (i was on a 4 lane hwy) and BAM the dog was hit by a car in that lane prob 70mph. I saw it and it made me cry and ruined my day. :( poor doggy

kitxxkat1408 0

omigodddd that poor puppy!!! all u ppl who think that's funny are gunna end up in jail sum day for hit and run

kitxxkat1408 0

I would have cried... I'm sensitive ...

nikki01 0

awwww poor puppy :'( giv ur dad the silent treatment