Identity crisis

By nato - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss called me Dave. Now everyone actually thinks my name is Dave. It's Nathan. I've been working there for 2 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 906
You deserved it 2 434

Top comments

My boss calls me Jaclyn. I'm Kathleen. I even wear a name tag. But hey, we should take advantage of it. Do bad things, blame it on Dave. When they attempt to scold you, pull out your ID. "I'm Nathan."


16, I work at a sbux, we listen but it's loud behind the counter and easy to mishear. The name policy honestly causes more problems then good in most cases.

perdix 29

Send the hot secretary, Debra, photos of your junk from "Dave." If she likes it, you can have sex "like a BAWS," but if she doesn't, they'll look to fire "Dave" while innocent little Nathan just keeps plugging away.

'cause you know everyone wants Nathan's hot dog.

perdix 29

#38, ugh, now I see Kobyashi and Joey Chestnut going at it head-to-head and I want to throw up.

*in Hal's voice* I'm sorry that's happening to you Dave.

Looks like Dave will be getting a lot of back pay.

Just correct him, op. Maybe your boss just isn't good with names.

Thank you for your well thought contribution to the discussion.

I used to work at Starbucks..always asked to spell their customer said Timothy and a coworker nonchalantly wrote Jimbo

The solution is simple. Slay your boss to establish your dominance as Nathan at work.

qirde_15 5