Identity crisis

By nato - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss called me Dave. Now everyone actually thinks my name is Dave. It's Nathan. I've been working there for 2 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 906
You deserved it 2 434

Top comments

My boss calls me Jaclyn. I'm Kathleen. I even wear a name tag. But hey, we should take advantage of it. Do bad things, blame it on Dave. When they attempt to scold you, pull out your ID. "I'm Nathan."


i don't get people who get this crap from their workplace... wtf is wrong with just telling someone your name is not what they think it is?? you think your boss will fire you if you tell him? if anything, you'll both just have a laugh and he will remember you. May even help you out in getting a promotion.

Why_Not31 12

What a coincidence. I had a coworker named Nathan, who everyone ended up calling "Napkin." It wasn't an insult or anything, we were all just operating under code names when I first met him, and he was part of a group that wasn't, but we didn't know that, so when we asked for his name, he yelled "Nathan" and we all thought it was "Napkin." To be fair, it's better than "Kisser," "Tick," and "Hooker" which three other guys got stuck with as actual code names. Oh, and everyone just kept on calling him "Napkin," even after he tried to explain that "Nathan" was his real name. We just basically told him that if he wanted to tag along until we got back, he couldn't use his real name anyway. Oh, and top 5 coolest code names were: "Barracuda," "Lobo," "Gasket," "Fox," and "Usher." Correctly guess which one was mine, and you'll get a free cookie. :)

Aren't quite fitting in? Here, have a mushroom!

This reminds me of chandler from f.r.i.e.n.d.s who is called Toby at his work place

Today, I didn't win on either The Clucking Machine or the lottery. FML

ash.brea.381 3

Call them all by the wrong names and when they correct you, tell them 'And my name is Nathan'