I miss you

By Anonymous - 12/11/2010 00:41 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend and we were in his car when he burst out crying, I thought it might have been because we had gotten into a huge fight and he felt bad. No, he cried on my shoulder for a half hour because he misses his ex-girlfriend. He's been writing songs about wanting her back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 633
You deserved it 3 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ok honey, dont console him. Him crying over another chick is a sure reason to break up. And... why would he be crying over a fight?


hotncool 0

why some of u gotta put it down I mean sheesh I've had emotions really fckin bad for someone and u know what it really f kckin hurts so why dnt u people give this guy a brake I mean come on I mean ik he cried over a girls shoulder n all over another but when u go puttin him down like dat,dats mutant and for dat that's fckeded up how would y'all like if someone did that to you would u like it?

your a Dripping ******!!! no offense :P

RedPillSucks 31

I'd probably agree if I understood what the hell you said. Is there a google translation site for this?

green_eyes124 0

42-why is it that sometimes you say 'dat' and sometimes you say 'that'? Oh, and can you please explain what that whole thing meant? Better yet, don't. We wouldn't understand that either lol

I've been with someone right after getting dumped by another girl I was totally in love with. it didn't work out so well because it was too soon and I had too much invested in the previous relationship. yeah it's hard as hell, but like me, the dude just needs to be single for while, get it out of his system.

he was very emotional, he stayed up all night watching a "sex in the city" marathon.

wriptidez 0

tell him your not second fiddle

funzcpl 0

what? WHAT? did you punch him in the throat? please tell me you did!!!