By Anonymous - 06/03/2018 14:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I'm stuck in the middle of a red weather warning because of two huge snowstorms. I've been snowed in at work for three days so far. No sign of getting home any time soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 554
You deserved it 255

Top comments

Your boss must be very happy. You might as well be working while your stuck there, and your overtime pay will exactly cover the rent you’re being charged for camping there.

Think warm thoughts. California in mid-July. A blanket cocoon. Lots of curry. That co-worker you have a thing for.


Think warm thoughts. California in mid-July. A blanket cocoon. Lots of curry. That co-worker you have a thing for.

iny0urjuicebox 7

I feel like curry might be a bad idea, unless the office's plumber is snowed in too.

Your boss must be very happy. You might as well be working while your stuck there, and your overtime pay will exactly cover the rent you’re being charged for camping there.

Too bad you don't work as a snow plough driver.

Lobby_Bee 17

Wow, think of the overtime hour you're getting. Cha-ching!

chessu 21

I assume this must be Scotland? I mean, I know UK is notoriously bad with snow, but the rest of the country wasn't that bad (I travelled between London/Manchester during the 'Beast' with no major delays). You must live FAR if you can't get home in three days... is there absolutely no other way? Walking? Some local/national snow/first aid services?

I thought the UK only got 3cm of snow...

As soon as there’s one snowflake the whole country grounds to a halt 😔