Hello? Is it me you're looking for?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I called a wrong number. Calling back the right person, I began a long story about how I'd just called the wrong number. It was the wrong number lady again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 849
You deserved it 39 539

Top comments

fthku 13

Why don't you check again, and how can you make such a long story out of it? Hmm... "Jerry Lee? hi! what's up!" "Oh, you got the wrong number" "Sorry.." "Jerry Lee? heyy!" "You g-" "You would like, so not believe it, I like totally called a person who I thought was you, but wasn't you, it was like, totally the wrong number. Funny how sometimes we can type in the wrong numbers and get to different people huh?? isn't it AMAZING how these days you can just click a machine and be in contact with someone miles away?!" Tsk tsk tsk. I hate people who jump from one subject to another. Shame on you! Of course, this is probably not what happened. I still wonder how you can make a long story out of calling the wrong number, though.

nlr 9

do you not check the numbers? compare them idiot!


can't you read the right numbers. Seriously are you really that stupid ? . If you can't read them then maybe you should ask for help .

This FML should read something more like this "Today I wasn't paying attention and dialled the wrong number. I tried again but still wasn't paying attention as I was fabricating a longwinded story about the wrong number experience and ended up dialing the same person again. FML"

mandi625 0

That's hilarios ! You should check the number next time, don't you think?

Haha, Bet she's blocked you now! lol, you should call her again & apologise!

Oops! We all have brain blips. Don't worry you'll never have to deal with her again...unless you call her again!

Sounds embarrassing, but why would you rant on about what happened if you weren't sure it was your friend yet? Try not to jump the gun next time :P

Nena10 0