Technical issue

By yeahright343 - 14/11/2021 14:01

Today, I received a toll bill via email. The photograph showed a white pickup truck. I drive a blue Honda Element. At lease the license plates have the same letters on them… but in a different order. Apparently the software that matches plates is dyslexic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 135
You deserved it 87

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, on the plus side, it should be easy enough to contest the fine.

Send it back after writing on the envelope, "WORNG ADDERSS"


Well, on the plus side, it should be easy enough to contest the fine.

Send it back after writing on the envelope, "WORNG ADDERSS"

randybryant799 20

This seems like a pretty easy fix.

Yeah. Find the truck with the matching plates. Steal them, put them on your car and pay the fine. Seems pretty obvious.