Caught in 4K

By Frank S. - 17/06/2021 19:59

Today, I was about to enter a hotel with a friend-with-benefits. We then saw her boyfriend exiting the same hotel with another woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 294
You deserved it 1 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if you already knew about the boyfriend, you deserved it. But if she's cheating on him and he's cheating on her, they seem made for each other, or they have an open relationship.

49_Donuts 13


Well, if you already knew about the boyfriend, you deserved it. But if she's cheating on him and he's cheating on her, they seem made for each other, or they have an open relationship.

So you're helping a friend cheat on their partner, who is also cheating on her partner. I fail to see how this is an FML for anyone...except maybe the girlfriend's other partner if he doesn't know she's cheating and he's the side piece. sounds like y'all deserve each other. Unless you didn't know you FWB had a girlfriend.

49_Donuts 13
Wadlaen 23

This turned out to be a post with too many friends with too many benefits, but all in all you all seem right for each other...

bleachedraven 14

Not much of an fml if everyone is cheating.

"Our hotel has one of the few remaining revolving doors in the entire sta... No! We didn't mean it like that!"

"You shouldn't be here." "neither should you."