
By sorehead - 13/07/2011 16:02 - Canada

Today, I was walking down the street hand in hand with my girlfriend. I couldn't help but stare at a gorgeous girl as she bent down to pick something up. It was such a great sight, I didn't notice the metal telephone pole directly in my path. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 405
You deserved it 102 701

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bigmanj28 0

I'm sorry but I think you deserved that one.


cynide 13

DAMN, hell ya i would hit that shit, (runs into pole)

Thank the pole; without it, your girlfriend would've messed up your other head when she caught you.

think with your big head not your little one

DarkMoon159 5

wow she REALLY most have been smoking HOW >.

sourspraykay 8
heylesha 8
Luvtospoon 0

A pole always needs a little head.

GAMaeishere 0

The only reason your life is ****** is 'caused your girlfriend is still beating your ass about it. Use some self control next time? YDI

Guys will be pigs from time to time, single or in a relationship. Us girls do the same thing too. We're not innocent.

SmallTownCutie 0

There's a difference between checking out a hot guy/girl real quick, and staring until you run into a pole. OP was guilty of the latter offense, which is why he has so many YDI's.

Yeah, everyone does it, but most women are smart enough to not check someone out so intensely that they run into a pole. Especially not when they are out with their significant other.