He studies the blade

By Anonymous - 11/01/2022 11:01

Today, my boyfriend dumped me and walked away from our life together, because I wouldn’t let him indulge his stupid manchild hobby of collecting swords to hang on the walls. He already has two, why the hell would he want more than that? Bullet dodged, but 2 years together wasted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 426
You deserved it 4 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds more like HE dodged a bullet. I hope he finds his Samurai queen & they live happily ever after with their badass sword wall/talking piece.

may sound weird, but people collect items related to things that interests them... most swords and knives have some sort of culture, history or story behind them. from. the shape and design to movies they were in or historical importance... sorry to say, you were the dodged bullet here.


Sounds more like HE dodged a bullet. I hope he finds his Samurai queen & they live happily ever after with their badass sword wall/talking piece.

mattiagardin 15

My king took the best road. Wish he finds someone who can support him properly

mattiagardin 15

My king took the best road. Wish he finds someone who can support him properly

may sound weird, but people collect items related to things that interests them... most swords and knives have some sort of culture, history or story behind them. from. the shape and design to movies they were in or historical importance... sorry to say, you were the dodged bullet here.

tarababy24 5

Im gonna have to agree with everyone else here. Theres nothing wrong with being a collector. My boyfriend collects Dragon Ball Z merch, not because he needs it, but because he simply loves it, and nothing puts a bigger smile on my face than seeing him get a new figure for his collection, because it just makes him so happy.

unless he gets stupid when he drinks and you physically feel unsafe with the sword around, it is simply a hobby that makes him happy. you are a narcissistic snob if his interests aren't important. relationships are a compromise, something you know nothing about. hope you enjoy never getting married. he's better off without you.

Hanging them on the walls seems OK. Hanging one over your head by a single hair of a horse's tail is not. You gotta wonder why he's so into swords. Maybe he'd like crossing them?

YDI. He dodged a bullet with you. He can definitely do better than a judgemental person like you

Ravenclawed 11

He dodged the bullet. Nobody wants a partner that is controlling and manipulative. As long as he's a functioning adult working a job, paying bills, and being responsible, he can have his hobbies. May he find his dream swordswoman, who'll be leagues above you.

Like everyone else said.....He dodged the bullet. Swords are beautiful and an interesting conversation piece. Lighten up