Jane Doe

By her - 11/01/2022 08:01

Today, I accidentally called my friend by the wrong name. She's no longer speaking to me, because she thinks I have absolutely zero respect for her, and don’t care about her at all. In reality, she just looks exactly like the person whose name I called her by. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 180
You deserved it 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Royal Sataness 4

she wasn't a friend. she was looking for any excuse at all to bail


Royal Sataness 4

she wasn't a friend. she was looking for any excuse at all to bail

diraven 15

Just tell her you have a drinking problem. That works all the time when I call my wife by the name of some other chick I'm banging behind her back.

She probably was a terrible friend anyway. I called my friend the wrong name once, so he called me the wrong name. It was a girls name, so I called him the feminine version of the wrong name, he called me a bitch, I called him an ass, and our female friend who was standing nearby called us idiots. We told her to shut up because we couldn't argue it. We all laughed. That's how friends act