Happy Birthday

By Schubey - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - North Bay

Today, I woke up to my dad telling me that we're going to Disneyland. Apparently, by "we" he meant him and my mom. They did, however, make a point to say "Happy birthday!" before they left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 736
You deserved it 2 147

Top comments

Well that sucks throw a big ass house party while they are gone. Not as good as Disney land but still get to have fun.

NoisyNykkii 10

Go to Six Flags on his birthday! Ah revenge, it's sweet.


TheEpicMilkMan 13

its Disneyland they're doing you a favor by keeping you home cause I've been a couple of times with friends and extended family and that place is just chaos....

They're going out for YOUR bday. So throw a party and say it was a surprise party set up by all your friends hahaha

Round up a gang of your friends and go to DisneyLand! Or do like everyone else said and have a party. You can still have fun.

Hey, it's my birthday too! That sucks but I hope you have a great birthday :)

Well happy birthday! It really sucks! Just ignore them, invite some friends over and have a good time.

**** em, throw a party at your house and show your **** (.)(.) and go wild!

Wow, your parents don't seem to like you all that much/

Sorry OP, but I laughed really hard at this. Oh, just come on, can you imagine being his dad in this situation? Saying "Happy birthday!" to your daughter and leaving to the Disneyland with her mom, leaving her all alone. haha :) But yeah, look carefully at that. It doesn't make sense from your point of view; quite obviously they are giving you a hint by that. Why else your parents would be leaving you on your birthday? Moreover, two adults in the endless lines of chaotic Disneyland... pff. Definitely they want you to have fun with your friends and have all the house for your party. So I won't be too original with my advise, but hell yeah, go and have your birthday! :)

Your parents are heartless :( go get your revenge..and yeah happy birthday :)