Happy Birthday

By Schubey - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - North Bay

Today, I woke up to my dad telling me that we're going to Disneyland. Apparently, by "we" he meant him and my mom. They did, however, make a point to say "Happy birthday!" before they left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 736
You deserved it 2 147

Top comments

Well that sucks throw a big ass house party while they are gone. Not as good as Disney land but still get to have fun.

NoisyNykkii 10

Go to Six Flags on his birthday! Ah revenge, it's sweet.


Who needs them u can have a much better time with friends

sumbum95 15

Throw a party! This is your chance!! ;)

Walt! You're in Ontario, which means they'll be gone to Disney for at least a couple of days. Party your ass off while they're gone! Maybe next time they'll bring you! ;) happy bday btw

Are you 18? Leave and never come back.

MrsStorms 0

Damn that's brutal bro! harsh... :/

Aw :( I'm so sorry op. That really sucks. And I'm sorry your parents were being jerks. Happy birthday. Make the best out of it

jarico75 1

Op. it is not ok to be 28 and still living at home and expect Mom and Dad to take you to Disneyland.

Where in the hell does it say OP is 28? It doesn't say her age, exactly. For all we know, she could be a teenager!

theonlysweetpea 10

Happy birthday OP! Mine is tomorrow