
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I realised that I could see my own mustache out of my peripheral vision while I was eating. I'm a 23 year-old woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 764
You deserved it 14 798

Top comments

perdix 29

Don't listen to any of the above. Find a thrifty, bisexual lover who will appreciate you for being a two-fer. He/she will marvel at your manly 'stache while partaking of your womanly hoo-hah! Consider it a gift and work it!


are you sure you're female? you better wax that or you'll be mistaken for a young man

Okay, try shaving above your lip when you're a woman. See how sexy you look with that stubble and shadow. Oh yes, that is a much better idea that just leaving it or bleaching it.

Come on you don’t even have to use wax anymore there’s also hair cream removal. Someday you’ll thank yourself for it.

RachelHellYeah 0

ewwww.... I have two words of advice for you...WAX IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!