
By BoringFucker - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend openly mocked me, calling me an idiot for thinking seahorses are real. She insists that they're like unicorns, and only exist in fiction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 336
You deserved it 4 840

Top comments

saIty 17

Show her Spongebob and she will believe in seahorses. *Possibly even talking sponges, starfishes, crabs, squids, and even whales.. Results may vary*

thinkPlNK 0

unicorns exist. you just have to stick a cone in the center of a horses' head. :D


eigelste 0


Baby you for abs! Hit me up :) strength gross on Facebook

DontClickOnMe 28

Uh oh, we got a creeper on the loose!

Ins_Knie 2

You are right, check definition 4 of 'unicorn'. By the word, a narwhal or narwhale is a unicorn, too.

She can believe whatever she wants but openly mocking you like that was crossing the line.

chubby_choco 17

My ex is blonde, and she knows everything about everything. >_> OP's gf is just straight-up stupid.

aceangel6 4

I remember when I couldn`t convince my boyfriend that male seahorses are the ones that get pregnant. I googled it to show him.

No, the eggs are placed in the males pouch by the female so they can be fertilized. The babies later hatch from the eggs, grow and leave the male's pouch.

Yea, then men give birth. But they don't get pregnant.

quite_bored 9
uprising_fml 0

but they do get pregnant. " the eggs are placed in the males pouch by the female so they can be fertilized" how is that any different from a human male "placing" his sperm in a woman's body to fertilize the egg?

True that uprising! Lol, great point. They actually have contractions as well. They are pregnant and giving birth if you ask me.

Because they are placed in a pouch not a ****** and dont get pregnant but give birth.

xStaciexLynnx 15

You can also google unicorns and get 'real' results.

you wrote in an extra me you idiot :p lol

chels1994 11

Google a picture of a seahorse (:

Haha shes gonna think its photoshop .... Take here scuba diving !