Bigmouth Strikes Again

By Bobbi Fett - 31/01/2022 23:00

Today, I told my boyfriend to stand up for himself more often. He now takes very hard stances on his desire for anal sex and his love for the Star Wars Disney+ series. I should’ve kept my big mouth shut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 401
You deserved it 1 428

Same thing different taste


If he really want it, tell him he’ll have to try it on himself first. And he better not pull out the « I’m not gay » excuse, because that’s irrelevant (homosexuality is not a matter of sex position). If he really wants you to watch those series with you, he should watch yours first.

Thats a bit extreme on your part don’t you think. If your relationship solely consists of „you habe do do x so I do y with you“ I feel truly sorry for you. Relationships are mutual and if your interests can only combined by force you are simply not cut out for another

Thats a bit extreme on your part don’t you think. If your relationship solely consists of „you habe do do x so I do y with you“ I feel truly sorry for you. Relationships are mutual and if your interests can only combined by force you are simply not cut out for another

You can shut your big mouth and open up the other end.

george1986 7
bobsanction 18