By - 16/10/2018 07:30 - United States - Provo

Today, I was wrapping up a 30+ hour commission when a software bug caused my main layer to delete itself. There doesn't appear to be any way I can restore it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 479
You deserved it 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why incremental saves are important.

What the **** are you talking about man? OP is not a programmer. I'm assuming the software they were using was Photoshop or something like it. They were working on an art / graphic commission when the software deleted the main layer of their work. What makes you think they can fix the FML app?


I am so glad that I sell coffee! hah!

This is why incremental saves are important.

Or better yet, version control. It will save your life

Nobody knows what that means. Why don’t you drop that trivial BS and put your programming skills to solve an urgent social need: fixing the FML app? I often can’t see the thumbs count on my comments and can’t see if there are any replies. Thanks in advance for fixing this!

What the **** are you talking about man? OP is not a programmer. I'm assuming the software they were using was Photoshop or something like it. They were working on an art / graphic commission when the software deleted the main layer of their work. What makes you think they can fix the FML app?

Sounded like programming jargon to me. You’re just assuming it’s Photoshop, so why do you think your guess is any better than mine?

Programmer here, it's definitely a design project. I doubt there exists a case in which "caused my main layer to delete itself" makes sense in a programming context.

If you are a software engineer or provider you really should know about backups and software bugs. If you don’t then you need to learn.

And you don't keep backups? Or do you think Google Drive/OneDrive are "backups"? n00b

ImminentDisaster 12
ViviMage 39

Save early, save often! Didn't you play Sierra games? Leisure Suit Larry, King's Quest, Space Quest?

bitlol 4

What dumb asses said you deserved it?