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By DiskJockey - 05/08/2009 01:37 - United States

Today, I learned a valuable lesson, never leave your "Let It Be" album, which you paid $489 for on eBay out on your desk. My brother also learned something, old records make for very breakable, one use frisbees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 065
You deserved it 11 924

Same thing different taste


If my friends break any of my $0.05 records, there will be hell to pay. That's how much I love my Beatles records, hell if I turn my head to the left I can see them all. Also a quick search on ebay shows Let it Be for $5 on ebay, yours is probably signed or something, If the case is OK and the record is just like any old Let it Be record (not signed or first copy or something) just buy it off of ebay and whoop your brother's ass.

sublime93 0

Trolls are getting less creative

I'd like to think this is bullshit because no one would be stupid enough to pay almost $500 for a Beatles record. Let's use a little logic - the Beatles were and are one of the biggest, most popular bands on the planet. Millions of people bought Let It Be when it came out - all those millions of copies didn't vanish into thin air over night. Your dad or your uncle probably still has one in the attic. Go to any thrift store or used record store and you probably won't have trouble digging one up.

YDI for not putting it in a frame on your wall.

this is perhaps the most reasonable comment up here. But if i may, perhaps he had JUST recieved it in the mail, and had to wait till he got home from work to put it up? Or maybe still had to get the supplies. I still dont think the OP deserved it simply because he left something in HIS room that his brother decided to take and be destructive with.

this makes me sad. :( how could ANYONE destroy anything of The Beatles? that is so wrong. :/ I am SO SO sorry. :(

tpag3r 0

yeah any guys room is a sacred place... and no one should go in there without your permission which is the exact reason i installed a card key lock on my door

stanzskin 0

YDI for paying $489 for that piece of shit record!

Obwaban 0

Ouuuuuuch. That really sucks. We have the White Album on vinyl (3 actually) and 2 of them are now missing. Know how it feels man. FYL

Edge578 0

Ever listen to Helter Skelter? Tell me that's pop.