By Anonymous - 11/04/2017 08:00 - Australia - Camberwell

Today, the framed memorabilia that I spent $195 on last week came crashing to the floor. It was on my wall for less than 2 hours. The picture is torn and the glass is shattered, but at least the frame is alright. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 932
You deserved it 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ashilyy24 8

I'd try to sell that frame. Obviously it's made of an indestructible wood.

thatslifeiguess7 16

Um who framed it? or did you spend all that money then not hang it right


That blows harder than a horny **** star.

Yep. Probably why so many people are triggered and disliked it. But it's the truth.

ashilyy24 8

I'd try to sell that frame. Obviously it's made of an indestructible wood.

Be thankful for the blessings that you do have! Then use some glue to recreate your memorabilia & frame it again. This time using caution as to how it's hung considering the size & weight of it. Good luck OP! :)

thatslifeiguess7 16

Um who framed it? or did you spend all that money then not hang it right

CassyM 6

Sounds like it was too heavy for the way it was hung. I hope it was salvageable!