Freaked out

By klanciee - 16/07/2012 02:00 - United States - Valencia

Today, when I woke up, I noticed something crawling on my bed. A white faced wasp was dragging the corpse of a rather large spider. I'm not sure what I was more disturbed about; the fact that the wasp was dragging something twice its size, or that these bugs even live in my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 528
You deserved it 2 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The good news is, you don't have to worry about spiders.

dragonstrike94 8

No he was not at all thinking yolo


Epic bug wars! This FML takes "don't let the bed bugs bite" to a whole other level. Time to to start wearing your beekeeper pajamas before sleeping at your house!

lexiieeex3 32

Ew that's so gross I feel so bad for you!

It's Armageddon. 2012 will end with giant ass moths

rcgirl2 11

Dude, calm down. Mothra is dead. Or is she? To be continued...

Wow.... What the actual ****? I can't even.... Just... Wow.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

I'd be jumping out of the bed and tearing outta there. D:

Wasp: You didn't see anything. Spider: Help.. Me.. Op: OH SHIT.

KiddNYC1O 20

When I read that it played out backwards.

RocketNinjaFish 12

I don't think I'd ever sleep in that bed again if I saw that. How did they get onto your bed anyway?

The scary part is you're not even in Australia.

bizarre_ftw 21

Well technically only the wasp is still Living in your house What I'd be more worried about is how the spider ended up dead

TheUnholyApple 6

I get the feeling that the wasp had a little something to do with that.