Drugs are bad, mkay ?

By theshitguy - 15/06/2021 08:01 - Australia - Kedron

Today, I was at a party. A friend and I went to the bathroom together. She finished, I started to go, realising I need to shit. She was still in the room. People began to knock. My brain told me to snap the shit in half… with my hand. I grabbed the toilet paper with said hand, leaving the bathroom covered in shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 156
You deserved it 1 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

have no idea wtf you are trying to say

Marcella1016 31

Guys it’s pretty clear to me. I really don’t see what’s so confusing lol. He tried to break a piece of shit off/out of his ass with his bare hand. Instead of flexing his anus to pinch it off. He used his hand. I guess because people were banging on the door to get into the bathroom and he was drunk and/or high as **** and panicked and that somehow seemed like the best thing to do. He used that same shitty hand to grab the toilet paper. So shit got all over the roll and then...somehow...all over the bathroom. Super ultra dick move idgaf how drunk you are. You ****** up that bathroom for everyone else at the party, and for the hosts. You were that ******* guy. I’ve seen shit like that in public restrooms and it’s disgusting. I really hope you learned your lesson and that you learn some self control. Other drunk people needed to pee—and that suuuucks because there’s nothing worse than having to hold it when you’re drunk—and you turned the bathroom into a biohazard. Probably the only bathroom and maybe even the only TP if this was like the college parties I used to go to back in the day. Nice move lol Definitely an FML, but moreso for the rest of the party. I don’t see anything wrong with it being posted, you weirdos lol. And FWIW I also ******* LOVED the WTF FMLs back in the day and looked forward to them every month. Bring them back, Alan, pretty please? :)


have no idea wtf you are trying to say

I know what he was saying - it's just a really roundabout way of saying that he really needs to work on reducing his alcohol consumption.

I know right? I'm drunk and high as shit rn and i have no idea what op's trying to say lol

Marcella1016 31

Guys it’s pretty clear to me. I really don’t see what’s so confusing lol. He tried to break a piece of shit off/out of his ass with his bare hand. Instead of flexing his anus to pinch it off. He used his hand. I guess because people were banging on the door to get into the bathroom and he was drunk and/or high as **** and panicked and that somehow seemed like the best thing to do. He used that same shitty hand to grab the toilet paper. So shit got all over the roll and then...somehow...all over the bathroom. Super ultra dick move idgaf how drunk you are. You ****** up that bathroom for everyone else at the party, and for the hosts. You were that ******* guy. I’ve seen shit like that in public restrooms and it’s disgusting. I really hope you learned your lesson and that you learn some self control. Other drunk people needed to pee—and that suuuucks because there’s nothing worse than having to hold it when you’re drunk—and you turned the bathroom into a biohazard. Probably the only bathroom and maybe even the only TP if this was like the college parties I used to go to back in the day. Nice move lol Definitely an FML, but moreso for the rest of the party. I don’t see anything wrong with it being posted, you weirdos lol. And FWIW I also ******* LOVED the WTF FMLs back in the day and looked forward to them every month. Bring them back, Alan, pretty please? :)

randybryant799 20

Good grief. How old are you??