Dream baby dream

By NewDadHurtBad - 27/06/2022 09:00 - Canada - Quesnel

Today, for the third time in 3 months, my pregnant wife woke me up by slapping me because I cheated on her in her dreams. I would never cheat on my wife, and she blames it on "pregnancy brain." There's still 5 months to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 987
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JillianJuneBug 39

Being pregnant is no excuse for domestic abuse.

Wife needs to see a psychologist. Anyone can have disturbing dreams, but to slap your sleeping partner while you are awake because of your dream is not part of a normal pregnancy or relationship.


JillianJuneBug 39

Being pregnant is no excuse for domestic abuse.

You've earned a few hall passes. You've done the time, so now you can do the crime.

Wife needs to see a psychologist. Anyone can have disturbing dreams, but to slap your sleeping partner while you are awake because of your dream is not part of a normal pregnancy or relationship.

Next time she does it, look at her, say in a deep voice, "BATTLE HAS BEEN JOINED"...and slap her right back.

Warning! Divorce her. She will never get better and certainly get worse. You will never be able to help/look at/be polite at another woman without her being jealous. You will always be accused of flirting no matter what. Your life will be miserable.

You’re sure the baby is yours?