Double standards

By Anonymous - 02/07/2020 08:08

Today, the friend who I'm crushing on but doesn't like me like that back said she wants us to keep our distance AND got angry because I told her I joined a dating app. Now she thinks I lied about my feelings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 635
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

westoz 24

She gets off on keeping men on a string. She’s probably got a few on the go. Count yourself lucky that she doesn’t like you back. She’s probably a psycho.

ojoRojo 27

She can’t have it both ways. Live your life, don’t wait around for her


ojoRojo 27

She can’t have it both ways. Live your life, don’t wait around for her

westoz 24

She gets off on keeping men on a string. She’s probably got a few on the go. Count yourself lucky that she doesn’t like you back. She’s probably a psycho.

At least on the iOS app, the OP appears to be female. The object of affection may keep men and women on strings!

tounces7 27

That's not always accurate, it gets a persons sex wrong all the time, especially for anonymous posters.

Definitely keeping you on a string. She’s just using you for her own self-worth. She has no romantic intention with you. She’ll just give you enough to keep wanting her. It’s a sick relationship, and the only way for things to change is to get the heck away from that person.

Indeed, for whatever reason, some women are dic*k teases. They just want to know someone wants them even if they don’t actually want them. If there are women like that should come again, just say she’s gotta leave and you’ll talk to her another time. Whenever that next time is, don’t act like what she did bothers you, just give her a hug and say hi and pretend nothings bothering you, but also say some small things about other women and how they look pretty or that you might go for her number. This usually gives them zero power over you anymore and now she’ll think what’s going on and ask herself what’s wrong with her all of the sudden. In the end it might give you a shot if you’re that into her, but in the end you’ll know however it turns out, you took all the power back to yourself.

Indeed, for whatever reason, some women are dic*k teases. They just want to know someone wants them even if they don’t actually want them. If there are women like that should come again, just say she’s gotta leave and you’ll talk to her another time.

She can't have her cake and eat you, too. I mean, "it." What was I thinking?

Your friend is a game player who is upset that despite her not liking you romantically liked the fact that you were pining for her and "waiting." She is selfish and not really your friend.

If you know what is good for you, OP, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN and do not look back, because that one is a damn player.

Sounds like she just doesn't want you to be happy.