
By Anonymous - 17/12/2020 22:58 - Canada - Newmarket

Today, my alcoholic dad finally came to see to my last dance recital after years of never showing up to watch me. He got kicked out of the audience for snoring too loud. I could hear him from the stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 149
You deserved it 72

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better outcome than having him sitting on the edge of the stage with a handful of dollar bills. It's not that kind of dance recital, Dad.

Ambrily 27

To the 39 people who clicked YDI: if it wasn't an accident, **** you.


Better outcome than having him sitting on the edge of the stage with a handful of dollar bills. It's not that kind of dance recital, Dad.

Ambrily 27

To the 39 people who clicked YDI: if it wasn't an accident, **** you.