Don't come

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, my parents and in-laws are in a bidding war for the house next door, since we are about to have a son. We're not even sure if we want them living this close. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 442
You deserved it 1 550

Top comments

Get a dog and train him/her to build a shit barrier in their yard to keep them away from your house.

I would normally say that having parents or in laws close would be good for helping with the baby...but not that close to you.


Unless you want free daycare I would get the hell out now.

move away ;) don't think in problems, think in solutions!

ayyy_bro 26

Be happy you have parents that want to do so...

Let them bid for your house and they can be neighbors and you can run away!!!

In-laws: *removes for sale sign* OP: "Hey if you don't need that anymore, can I borrow it?"

Is your name by any chance Raymond and your parents are frank and marie barone for everybody loves Raymond

fotomiep 7

Tell the couple that loses that they can buy your house once you've found a new place to live.