
By lopsided - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Gainesville

Today, I was informed that my uneven facial features make me seem "untrustworthy." Glad to know my unchangeable physical appearance doubles as a character flaw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 097
You deserved it 2 796

Top comments

llamarrama01 21

Welcome to the crappy society we live in.


Just get plastic surgery OP ! Just kidding, whoever said obviously has some self esteem issues themselves trying to put you down like that. I'm sure you look great and are trustworthy in your own right. Don't worry about other people idiotic opinions just be the best you can be. =)

No one's face is symmetrical. So idk what they're talking about.

They probably mean less symmetrical than most people...

actually, most people's faces are symmetrical...

Nobody has a perfectly symmetrical face...I'm sorry OP ):

Well, at least you're not an asshole like that person who told you that.

That's actually based on a psychological study. It's outdated, and shouldn't be said out of context, but yeah.

Welcome to Earth, where people are judged on how they look

If it makes you feel any better OP I'm in the same boat


I have what people call the "bitch" face. I could be walking along happy as can be but if I don't smile everyone thinks I'm pissed off. Obviously not exactly the same but I do understand the ignorance behind it. I'd tell them that their rudeness and ignorance makes me feel like they're a huge douchebag.

My manager at work has the exact same problem. I have heard so many people telling her to watch her attitude when all she did was enter a room. Yet, she is the nicest person on staff (though strict, and yes can be a bitch of legit pissed off).