Dirty girl

By Alyssa - 28/08/2019 04:00 - United States - Macon

Today, at church, while everyone was shaking hands and saying, “Peace be with you” to one another, a man took out hand sanitizer and washed his hands after he shook mine. And only mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 530
You deserved it 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Alup132 22

Were you the last person he touched? It makes sense to wait until touching everyone if that’s what he did.

ticklebeard30 7

he knows whst you do with that hand


Alup132 22

Were you the last person he touched? It makes sense to wait until touching everyone if that’s what he did.

LostSoul 19

That was my thought. People usually wait until the end to use it.

Are you sure it was hand sanitizer and not actually lube? You might have put the devil in him, you dirty girl! He'll have to beat it out!

ticklebeard30 7

he knows whst you do with that hand

Wadlaen 23

Are you a dirty little girl...?

J15237 25

People are weird. I wouldn't worry about it.