Cuteness overload

By Anonymous - 12/10/2009 08:22 - United States

Today, my friend asked me if I could watch her mother's cats while they go on vacation. I agreed since her house is on my way to work. When I talked to her mother, I found out she has 30-something cats. She reckons she lost count. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 821
You deserved it 3 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

captaincanoe 0

What I would do is put a call into Animal Control to clear most of the cats out and when she comes back play dumb and say animal control just "showed up out of no where" and that you couldn't stop them. Haveing 30 cats isn't healthy for the women or the cats. it's impossible to take care all 30 cats properly


If "she reckons she lost count," then she shouldn't notice if a few are missing when she gets back.

hookem8391 0

this makes me proud to be from indiana lol.....NOT

Wow, did NOBODY see that Hoarders episode?!? OP, call the authorities and do it now.

I had no idea you could only legally have 7 cats. My grandpa used to have about 25 or so, but he took extremely good care of them, they were all well fed, had shots and stuff taken care of, identity collars (they were outdoors cats), plenty of water, and tons of room. You only ever saw 3 or so at a time because they wandered and hid.

kristidgranger 3

well I would tell her nevermind bc u don't have time! that is just gross and imagine how her house stinks!!! not at all a cat person!

uSoSuck 0

okay. FIRST. next time ASK how many pets. SECOND. quickly come up with a FELINE allergy before she leaves for her trip.

If she really lost count, she won't notice if there's a few less when she returns. They have claws and teeth. Let them fend for themselves while she's gone. You can tell her they all seemed fine when you checked on them, but with so many it was difficult to keep track.

shouldn't this kind of a house be quarantined and reported???

I_Hate_Tpyos 0

on the bright side, if you have a few...casualties, the owner won't notice!