
By peeved - 18/02/2011 01:47 - United States

Today, I was forced to attend a fire safety class, as required by my job. Last year, I completed the fire academy as a volunteer fireman. The class was not only insulting, but wrong in many ways. I got kicked out for pointing them out. I now have to take it again, or be fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 496
You deserved it 5 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those are things that should be pointed out. if the class is miseducating people then you need to report that to someone.

You'd be fired for not taking a fire safety class.. Seems reasonable. But no, really, take it higher.


attend fire safety to better learn to to fight fire to avoid being fired from fighting fire. cool.

JocelynKaulitz 28

Yea that was a little redundant, you killed it. OP, this it ironic

Obviously her job is NOT in a fire department, as she said she was a volunteer. She has another job plus she volunteers as a fireman

ya pink i figured it out after I commented :p

really is: learning how to better fight fire so you can avoid being fired from a job that requires you to know how to fight fire so you won't get fired. now that's too cool >•< O

Maybe ask your volunteer co workers help on this as the best way to stop fires is to prevent them in the first place?

Those are things that should be pointed out. if the class is miseducating people then you need to report that to someone.

I had this with a uni course on the area I work in. The course material alternated between misleading and demonstrably wrong. I sucked it up, passed the course, then crucified it in the feedback.

frank223d 9

I know how ya feel man I am a firefighter also and I had do the same thing at my other job

there's such thing as being to smart for your own good.

Sheilatakeabow 0

this. could have kept your fool mouth shut, drawn some pupils on your eyelids and taken a paid nap.

You should maybe ask yourself if you really want to work at that company. With safetyrules like that, and all.

You'd be fired for not taking a fire safety class.. Seems reasonable. But no, really, take it higher.

Just shut up and attend. Unless it's unpaid then you can complain.

Why don't you try asking a fellow fireman about it? You might have been taught the wrong things. In the mean time, apply for another job incase you are right.

I doubt that. when I took my 96 hour course to be certified to go into burning buildings they actual teach you the right stuff so you don't get killed. also in my Chemistry class I corrected the teacher after class on her mistakes on fire safety. no one wants to be corrected by a student in front of the class even if their wrong.

#9 Agreed. I don't know if OP is just a smug idiot who couldn't catch up with the updated information/different reactions in different situations or they actually got it that wrong. I would rather believe it's the first than believe that they are misleading people. And to be honest, I had more experience with the first rather than the 2nd.

sourgirl101 28

Hopefully they weren't teaching you to throw water on a grease fire.

FYLDeep 25

Don't throw the water, fire it at over 200 psi from 20 feet back.

200 psi?? pfft!! throw petrol on it. will burn the grease so fast there will be nothing left to burn

I like that video where they pour liquid oxygen on a BBQ! To be honest though, the best domestic grease fire thing I ever saw was a Japanese invention called 'fire flowers'. They look like tulips about three feet long, and magnetically hang off the fridge. When there's a grease fire, you hold them by the stem, put the flower in the fire, and it turns into an extinguishing foam. Brilliant.

one thing they teach you (Atleast in my experience) is that you shouldnt publicly impose what you think is right on the instructors, you need to go to a fire safety officer and report it.

You probably insulted whoever was trying to teach the class. No one likes to have their authority undermined, especially if you look like the firemen depicted in those calendars. You've seen those calendars, right? The only thing worse than being corrected in front of a room of people is being corrected by someone way better looking than you.

OP is a girl. So I'd say she doesn't look like one of the firefighters on those calendars.

If the person teaching fire safety class was a fatass then yes I can see why OP was thrown out of the class. I've always had problems with people worse looking than me. I am perfectly nice to them ALWAYS but they always have a problem with me. Interestingly enough, people who are equally or more good looking than me are always nice.