
By chrono64 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found a pair of glasses in my car. I don't wear glasses, and nobody besides myself has been in my car lately. It appears that someone has been sleeping in my car and forgot their glasses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 807
You deserved it 3 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments, thank you. i've been looking for those. if you leave them in the cup holder i will remember to take them. Thank you for finding them, i've had a hard time finding your car since i lost them.

Unless there's piss, shit, crabs, blood and/or vomit in your car, your life is not ******.


borabora1991 0

well since you dont know for sure whether or not someones been sleeping in your car then i dont see how this is an fml. Also, why dont you lock your doors? are your locks broken?

the FML at the end probably stands for "**** My Locks" :P

Unless there's piss, shit, crabs, blood and/or vomit in your car, your life is not ******.

blland 0

if someone can open my car door, my life is indeed ******

So if someone just slept in your car you would be fine with that

How the **** does this belong on MLIA? This is clearly an FML, and rarely happens to anyone, ever. It is most definitely not AVERAGE. It's whorebuckets like you who have turned that site into a travesty of what it used to be.

so true! this is definitely an MLIA. shut up ryebreadboy., thank you. i've been looking for those. if you leave them in the cup holder i will remember to take them. Thank you for finding them, i've had a hard time finding your car since i lost them.

Bud_fml 16

You should leave a note in your car saying something like "Hello" and see if they reply XD

Unless you have a convertible, myself & the other commenters don't know how you came to this conclusion, thus the FML does not make sense.

rockyroad1234 0

...maybe you should look your doors? That's obvious.

Close your car doors silly. What is this, Wisconsin? Oh wait...

#8 just trying to add a cute note, don't let your panties get too tight, its almost christmas.