Clout goblins

By Anonymous - 24/06/2021 13:01 - United States - Duluth

Today, I'm 6 months pregnant with my first child and excited. My brother and his girlfriend announced they're getting married… on my due date. They refuse to change the date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 355
You deserved it 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dougierocks 13

Have the baby at their wedding… youll show them!

The chance of your baby being delivered exactly on your due date is not very high. Relax, wish them well for their wedding. They probably had constraints on when venues and so forth are available plus they probably know that unless it’s induced, labor rarely comes on the projected due date.


dougierocks 13

Have the baby at their wedding… youll show them!

dougierocks 13

Have the baby at their wedding… youll show them!

The chance of your baby being delivered exactly on your due date is not very high. Relax, wish them well for their wedding. They probably had constraints on when venues and so forth are available plus they probably know that unless it’s induced, labor rarely comes on the projected due date.

Three scenarios: - the baby arrives early, little chance that op might be at the wedding. Way to go bro! - the baby arrives on the due date, either op won’t be at the wedding or will leave during the wedding. Either way she didn’t enjoy the wedding of her brother and people will mostly talk about the baby and won’t enjoy the wedding. - the baby arrives late. It’s possible but op won’t probably enjoy the wedding that much. Finding another date for the wedding is the best solution.

hello, she may not be able to attend

While what they did was rude. It's unlikely your baby will come on its due date unless you schedule an induction or c-section. Most babies ignore due dates, especially first pregnancies

I agree that the exact date likely doesn't matter, particularly for your first pregnancy. But I understand how it stinks that it's in the vicinity - of course, there's a worry that there could be overlap. I don't think it's as bad for OP as it is for her parents. That's a little shitty if she does give birth within a few days of her due date, and his parents feel torn between seeing their new grandchild and being fully there for their son's wedding. I don't think they should be put in that position. Especially at 6 months... OP's probably had her due date announced for many months. On the other hand, if they have a special venue in mind and/or they've been waiting to get married for a long time, which could be more likely with COVID, they may just not have had options. Good luck to you all that it works out smoothly!

what a couple of narcissistic aholes. you can't control your due date or any complications that may arise. they however, can push their date back a month or two so that you can attend the wedding safely.