By trippy - 24/06/2019 20:01

Today, my mom tripped over a curb and cried, because she “tripped and not even drunk.” I thought it was normal to trip over my own two feet several times a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 381
You deserved it 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to go see a neurologist beind clumsy or having two left feet as it is also called can be a sign of a neurological disorder

How could you think that's normal? If our ancestors had tripped all the time, they'd all have been eaten by something.


You might want to go see a neurologist beind clumsy or having two left feet as it is also called can be a sign of a neurological disorder

How could you think that's normal? If our ancestors had tripped all the time, they'd all have been eaten by something.