Chain of command

By braceforcarnage - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got broken up with. In a text message. She texted my grandma, who then had to forward said text to me. I got broken up via grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 556
You deserved it 3 224


Both of my exes broke up with me over text. Both broke my heart. One got into a new relationship two weeks later. Another was my close friend who I rarely talk with now...

DianaFrances411 13

All I can say is, whoever your ex lover was shouldn't matter because he/she sure didn't even care to even talk to you personally and took advantage of your grandma. Pfft

i saw your ex-girlfriend's fml post on ifunny

Nobody saw the other one? Somebody posted an FML that they were depressed and needed to break up with their boyfriend and accidentally sent it to his grandma and she has to forward it to him! Wow. Either this is the same person making up stories or both have an FML account!

so youre saying you got dumped via grandmail....

Which version of GrandMa are you using? 0.15.7 or 0.20.01? I prefer 0.15.7 over 0.20.01 it's less buggy.