Casual perv

By Anonymous - 31/03/2009 01:13 - United States

Today, I was ringing an old man up in the local grocery store when I had realized all he was buying was 3 bottles of vodka and a box of condoms. While I was loading the bags into his cart he laid his hand on my shoulder and told me, "I'd take you home with me but chances are I would be arrested". FML
I agree, your life sucks 111 481
You deserved it 6 034

Same thing different taste


iiteddy 0

they sell vodka in grocery stores? hmmmmm...

ewwww, u should have told that wierdo to stay away. that is so creepy!

LOLLOLLLL "WAS HE HOT?" LMFAO this is hilarious more than it is creepy, i would've totally wished he was my grandpa.

i bet #17 and 43 live in PA where liquor sales are illegal unless in a actual liquor store. (i live near the border in OH and insist that PA is for losers. )

blahblah17 0

D: awful. yuck. gross. BLECKKK!

Jabulls 0

#25 you're an Ass-o, did you have a bad day or something? Lay off of these fine people that are makin fun of this guy or girl ok, PAL?

That's like the creepiest thing I've ever heard.

summersong89 0

in illinois you can get beer/wine/liquor at most grocery stores, at most hours of the day and night. recently, i found out that cant buy any alcoholic beverages in Wisconsin after 9pm. which was a bummer, since my friends and i tried doing that at 9:06pm and they wouldnt let us. lolz