Thanks you for your service

By Anonymous - 07/06/2022 18:00

Today, I got back from an 8-month deployment ready for relaxation and lots of sex with my husband. He said he’s come to realise he likes living alone, didn’t miss me much, and hasn’t been looking forward to me coming home. He gave me divorce papers and kicked me out to go sleep in a hotel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 439
You deserved it 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AzraelAngelus 15

I hope you take him for everything he has

Call the cops, have him charged with illegal eviction. Also, yes, sue him for everything he has.


AzraelAngelus 15

I hope you take him for everything he has

Call the cops, have him charged with illegal eviction. Also, yes, sue him for everything he has.

To say that’s a shitty deal is an understatement! If you were married, many states have “community property laws” which say that other than property that was brought into the relationship (pre-existing real estate, cars, money, etc.) that anything acquired while you were married gets split 50:50 between the spouses. You cannot “take him for everything he has” - that would not be legal or fair. But you can force a division of the property that was acquired during the marriage. By the way, it’s usually better to avoid protracted legal battles in a divorce - It can eat up a lot of money and time so that the lawyers are the only ones who benefit. Talk to an attorney, at least in the USA you can usually get a free initial consultation which will let you understand what your options are. And if possible I recommend a mediator instead of dueling legal teams - It is usually fairer and in the long run less painful.

OP's husband didn't seem too concerned about 50/50 when he illegally kicked her out of the house, and presumably kept all of the items within it. Hell, she should get more for the emotional distress he caused with his callous cruelty.

wrenavery90 12

He can't just kick you out. It's your house too.

my asshole of an ex husband did the same, I'm not in the service, however I'm so happy we are states away from each other now

kitten79TX 5

He can't actually kick you out. Move back in and tell him if he doesn't want to be around you HE can leave. Get a good divorce attorney.

I think you can take care of yourself and find someone better than him.

Agreed but he still shouldn't have kicked OP out. There are legalities that need to be followed.