Betrayal #4474

By Anonymous - 09/01/2025 17:00 - United States

Today, I discovered that all the times my boyfriend says he's in the bathroom with horrible diarrhea, he's actually sitting there smoking crack and talking to other women. I've dedicated everything in my life to him. I feel so brokenhearted and defeated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 632
You deserved it 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Battousai124 8

You need to throw him out, NOW!!! Then get a restraining order, and have the chips search your appartement, so they can find literally everything, that he put in there.

how did you not smell that stuff he was smoking? We had a guy who would smoke crack in the bar I worked at and you could smell it very easily


Battousai124 8

You need to throw him out, NOW!!! Then get a restraining order, and have the chips search your appartement, so they can find literally everything, that he put in there.

This is why making someone else 'your entire life' is generally just a bad idea. The only guys who are attracted to that are the ones who get off on abusing it. Learn the lesson, do the personal work and move on. Addicts do NOT make good partners and maybe get an std check, stat? Who knows where a crack head will stick his dick...

d j mom 8

how did you not smell that stuff he was smoking? We had a guy who would smoke crack in the bar I worked at and you could smell it very easily