By Anonymous - 29/12/2018 12:00

Today, has been a very long day, so I shall simply say there is a car in my bedroom. Yes a car. It's entirely my husband's fault, we have no idea how we're supposed to remove it, and there's oil all down my favourite pyjamas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 626
You deserved it 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you would remove it the opposite way it got in there. and you're worried about pjs? I'd be more worried about the roof/side of the house. but that's just me.


I guess you would remove it the opposite way it got in there. and you're worried about pjs? I'd be more worried about the roof/side of the house. but that's just me.

Maybe the pjs are part of the curl up in a corner and cry plan.

Wow, that must really be driving you crazy.

Is it a racecar bed? A red racecar bed? Joey?? That you Joey?

If oil is on the pajamas, moving the car under its own power isn’t a good idea. There is a hole in one of the oil systems.

This is how you remove it: "Dammit, Bumblebee! Get the hell out of my house! Look what you did to our wall! And my pajamas! I don't care that you finally got your own movie! It's made by Travis Knight, so it obviously sucks! No, I'm not going to see it! After what you've done, I'd rather go see Holmes & Watson! Now hurry up and leave! Or do I have to call in the Decepticons?" Or, you know, you might have to hire a very expensive crane.

I am mee 8

clean up the hole and call a tow truck

How did your husband screw up this badly Call a truck to get it out and pray your insurance covers some of this

My dad once drove a car almost all the way through the back of our garage because he was working on the brakes and thought you could substitute transmission fluid for brake fluid. Everything rubber swelled up, and the brakes went out as he was pulling into the garage too fast. He was not mechanically inclined and was very happy when I went to school for automotive.

ohsnapword 21

Please tell me that the 1000 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets are OK.

TheFMLman 5

yo how's he get it in there in the first place