Because I'm worth it

By creepingjennie - 07/06/2020 02:11

Today, I discovered that head lice shampoo can remove the dye from your hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 138
You deserved it 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better hair without dye,than a head full of lice. I think


Better hair without dye,than a head full of lice. I think

bloopaloop 27

Maybe the dye is made from lice

TheGestalt97 11

Well at least now you don’t have lice! You should celebrate by going out and buying some hair dye.

bl3ur0z3 17

If it's too much trouble to dye your hair again, you have two other, equally viable options. Stick to your natural color or live with the lice.