Bad sitter

By Kelli - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was taking care of a friend's hamster. Thinking the hamster wanted to make a bed, I put some cotton balls in his cage so he would be comfy. He promptly ate them and died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 380
You deserved it 42 941

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Reminds me of the time I babysat my friend's babies and gave them plastic bags.


Give 'em real balls next time not cotton knock-offs

Stupid hamster should've known better than trusting YOU OP

yeah I've heard about hamsters choking on cotton balls to death. I have two hamsters and I give them old socks to use as extra bedding and neither one has died (one is 2 years old, another is 6 months old). anyway sorry about the hamster.

krysilis 0

Buy a replacement hamster or something. And don't feel too bad for the hamster- they're generally sucky pets that eat anything including each other.

that's why I use edible bedding like vegetable fibre, anyway, it's not your fault, if the owner cared that much they'd make sure you know the ins and outs of looking after a hamster, just explain it to them, and if they don't understand then they're not worth it.

wile readig this I was Like good idea I got to then end and said never mind

TashaLenaKitty 0

are you stupid? a) I'm pretty sure hamsters don't care how comfortable their 'bed' is, and b) I'm sure your friend would already have whatever the hamster needed in its cage. (aside from all its food perhaps).

Hamsters are some of the stupidest animals on the planet. The good thing is,they're cheap, so you can buy a similar looking hamster and either pretend it's the same one or tell your friend what happened and give him the new hamster as an apology. If your friend was really emotionally attached to the hamster, well that's just pathetic.