Freedom of speech

By Powerless111 - 15/10/2019 20:00

Today, I got yelled at for 30 minutes while on a date for using the word "bitch." I used it to describe my friend's wife, who will also yell at you for 30 minutes for using a word she doesn't like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 029
You deserved it 1 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gc212 2

I probably wouldn’t yell at you, but it would be a red flag and you definitely wouldn’t get another date from me if you describe women like that

How exactly did you even end up on the topic of your friends wife to begin with? Also, YDI, not the kinda shit that's appropriate to bring up while on a date anyway.


ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

Are you on a date with your friends wife?

LMAO! Well done, my friend; well done aka kudos.

gc212 2

I probably wouldn’t yell at you, but it would be a red flag and you definitely wouldn’t get another date from me if you describe women like that

Not women. One specific woman. And if someone's a bitch, they're a bitch.

I agree with sinshine on this one but I would add that even males can be bitches. if you being a bitch then you being a bitch...simple. hell i have a male friend who i always call a **** cuz he a **** period he can't deny it.

gc212 2

Well the difference is when a man is described as a bitch it’s usually jokingly and often because they’re gossiping about someone or something such as. When a woman is called a bitch it could be because of this or because she’s opinionated or something. Have you ever heard a man being called a bitch for having an opinion? Either way I think it’s an offensive word and there are better ways to describe a horrible person.

How exactly did you even end up on the topic of your friends wife to begin with? Also, YDI, not the kinda shit that's appropriate to bring up while on a date anyway.

bullsonyourface 20

Bitches bitching about a bitch saying "Bitch"? What a bitch...

I can swear like a sailor, but if I went on a date and they called someone a bitch, I agree that would be a big red flag and I wouldn't go out with them again. If you're that negative and swearing about people on a date, I can't imagine you're more pleasant as a significant other. YDI.

PenguinPal3017 19

At least you found out that she was a bitch on the first date.

OP, you're letting yourself be treated as a bitch for putting up with being yelled at for more than a minute or two. As for your friend's wife, either don't talk in her presence, use gestures/ sign-language instead, or just walk out at the first sign of her not-liking-a-word bitchiness (calling her out as a bitch for doing so is optional ;-). As the great relationship columnist Ann Landers would say, "Only YOU can let somebody walk all over you."

That poor girl: *on a first date with you* You: *argues that you're justified in calling some other random woman she's never met a bitch* Also you: Why did that not go over well? Just know I'm laughing at you for 30 minutes now lmao

Seriously? That's like coming here posting a story about swearing in front of kids at a park and being mystified that their parents got mad at you. Everyone knows Bitch is a word that pisses most women off because of the negative connotations associated with it. You know I say someone's a shitty person. I say they're a shitty person. I don't use the word bitch unless I know the person is cool with it. I also don't swear in front of kids unless it's my kid or i know their parents are cool with it. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that the site editors made the title and you're not also one of those idiots that thinks free speech means you can say anything you want but no one else can.