Arnold Lane

By What - 24/03/2023 00:00 - United States

Today, since I last did laundry, most of my clothes seem to have disappeared. This better be a horrible prank, and if it is, it better be the funniest shit ever - because I'm seriously ticked off right now. Not to mention confused. FML
I agree, your life sucks 698
You deserved it 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've had similar things like this happened to me, first time it was the ex-girlfriend throwing away clothes that she didn't approve of, second time it was a faulty washer eating the clothes, third time it was actually somebody stealing my clothes from the dryer of our apartment complex, time to do some investigating and do you have a pet sometimes they like to steal clothes and make a nest lol

Watch for the hobo wearing your t-shirts and cardboard signs saying "My cat is a thief" with half a dozen socks pinned to it.


I've had similar things like this happened to me, first time it was the ex-girlfriend throwing away clothes that she didn't approve of, second time it was a faulty washer eating the clothes, third time it was actually somebody stealing my clothes from the dryer of our apartment complex, time to do some investigating and do you have a pet sometimes they like to steal clothes and make a nest lol

Watch for the hobo wearing your t-shirts and cardboard signs saying "My cat is a thief" with half a dozen socks pinned to it.

the funny side of this is your other dimensional you has a new wardrobe 🤣