All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

By ShootMe - 07/09/2017 23:15

Today, a high maintenance client informed me that he wants 50+ pages of new content added to his website "now". He doesn't understand that I also have 30+ other clients to write for. I'm wondering if I can charge him for my new anxiety meds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 303
You deserved it 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to find a reliable subcontractor, or hire someone else. It's not all bad news if your business is growing. Good luck!

Yes! Add a few zeroes on your invoice as a “rush surcharge” or “expedite fee.” Either you’ll make a buttload of money or your client will magically learn patience.


Time to find a reliable subcontractor, or hire someone else. It's not all bad news if your business is growing. Good luck!

ashily24 12

I'm a waitress, and even though it isn't the same type of job, I've dealt with similar situations. When I have customers who just get there, and they think their food takes a higher priority than the people who have been there. smh. People suck. Lol.

Yes! Add a few zeroes on your invoice as a “rush surcharge” or “expedite fee.” Either you’ll make a buttload of money or your client will magically learn patience.

At some point your going to have to explain to him that you have other clients and that adding 50+ pages at the last minute is going to affect to ability to do your other clients work. If you can sub contract it out to someone you trust then explain that's the best you can do otherwise drop him as a client. You don't need all that stress in you life. Also it sound like you need to go on vacation for a week

Lobby_Bee 17

Sub out your work to somebody else, then tack on the triple overtime cost for last minute big changes and you'll be sipping margaritas on the beach in no time. Now I'm just going to require you to wire me $100 bucks for this consultation fee.

ohsnapword 21

How much is your time really worth? Charge him at least 150% of the normal rate to do the work.

I charge all my clients a "fast turnaround" surcharge. Then if I have to defer other clients' work for an "emergency" job that makes me anxious as hell, at least I'm getting paid for it

I charge all my clients a "fast turnaround" surcharge. Then if I have to defer other clients' work for an "emergency" job that makes me anxious as hell, at least I'm getting paid for it

I would shoot. You want want all this extra stuff done you're gonna pay more money. That's the way it goes