
By MonsterProblems - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Croatia

Today, I had a sneeze attack while my nose was bleeding. Now my living room looks like a crime scene. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 919
You deserved it 3 410

Top comments

Once I sneezed in my dads car while my mouth was full of scrambled eggs. There's really only so much you can do after that.


I can not imagine the horror, or what it would feel like to sneeze blood every were, on a positive note atleast ita not a real crime scene.

Wernt you using a tissue to stop the bleed?

Or at least prevent the blood from dripping down your face or onto the floor. I agree.

Technically it still could be a crime scene. Might wanna hide that coke.

Try covering your nose and mouth when you sneeze?

Things splatter, op could cover their nose and it could still get everywhere.

Once I sneezed in my dads car while my mouth was full of scrambled eggs. There's really only so much you can do after that.

I never understood why our bodies decide that an appropriate time to sneeze is when our jaws are moving and our salivary glands are in action...

Ah, at least I'm not alone in my serial killer with a cold problems. Man life's hard.